Uncovering IT Issues

  • How often do IT projects fail to deliver what was expected?
  • Are end users surveyed about the quality of the IT service and, if so, what were their responses?
  • Is IT regarded as an enabler or as an inhibitor of change?
  • Are sufficient IT resources, infrastructure and competencies available to meet strategic objectives?
  • What has been the average overrun of IT operational budgets? How often and by how much do IT projects go over budget? How does this impact the achieved vs. expected ROI?
  • Do IT-related investments meet the ROI criteria of the enterprise?
  • How much of the IT effort goes towards systems maintenance and fire fighting, and how much to enabling business improvements? Is the ratio acceptable and representative for your industry?

Performance Improvement – A Classic Checklist
by Rick Sidorowicz
The CEO Refresher

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