Measuring an Organization’s Effectiveness

You can diagnose your organization’s effectiveness and assess its path toward high performance by gathering answers–typically through a survey–to 10 key questions:

  1. Is our organization clear about the top three priorities for making our business more valuable?
  2. Is our leadership team cohesive and aligned?
  3. Are individual roles, accountabilities and authority clear for the most important decisions?
  4. Does the organization’s structure reflect the sources of value in the business?
  5. Do we have enough highperforming people, in the jobs where they can have the most impact?
  6. Do we measure what matters–and link incentives for our people to those measures?
  7. Does our front line consistently execute well on the activities that are critical to success?
  8. Does our backoffice support contribute value commensurate with its cost?
  9. Do we have a highperformance culture?
  10. Do we have the capacity to change?

The decision-driven organization
by Paul Rogers
Bain & Company

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