Questions About Satisfying Your Customers

“Add Value”

  • What do your customers value?
  • What criteria do your customers use to determine value?
  • What do you do that your customers value most? Least?
  • Where is customer perceived value migrating?


  • Describe each of your customer segments?
  • What benefits are each of your customer segments looking for?
  • What customer segments are growing the fastest? The slowest?
  • Why do your customers defect to the competition? Why do they stay loyal?


  • Describe each situation in which your prospects/customers interact with your company?
  • How do your customers want to interact/transact with your company?
  • What structures are set up so that you can consistently listen to your customers?
  • What are customers’ experiences at each company touch point?


  • What are the satisfaction drivers of each customer segment?
  • Why are some customers more or less satisfied than others?
  • How does customer satisfaction relate to customer loyalty and cash flow?
  • Which customers do you most need to satisfy given their importance to the company?

“Quickly and Effectively”

  • What customer feedback mechanisms are in place?
  • How quickly does customer feedback get translated into action?
  • What customers should you be listening to the most?
  • How is effectiveness measured in terms of the customer?


  • What is the process for acting on customer feedback?
  • How is customer feedback incorporated into current goals and objectives?
  • What change management processes are in place to facilitate adaptation?
  • Why was adaptive change successful in the past?

“Changing Needs”

  • What do your customers want?
  • What do your customers need?
  • What events or patterns correlate with the changing needs of your customers?
  • What can you do to anticipate the changing needs of your customers?

What Are You Trying to Accomplish?
by Michael L. Perla
The CEO Refresher

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