- Can we quantify our supply of and demand for leaders, both now and in the future?
- How many positions are filled by external recruitment versus internal promotion?
- What’s the win-rate for “must have” recruits?
- How do our retention rates for top and mainstream talent compare with those of our competitors?
- What is the rate of retention of external hires versus internal promotions?
- What are the overall promotion rates by position and level?
- What are the performance ratings by department and position?
- What are the defection rates by level and position?
- Are our recruiting efforts producing people with average or above-average promotion rates?
- Which areas have the highest number of underperformers?
- Why haven’t we promoted more level sevens (for example)?
- What are the specific gaps—by function, level, and year—including skills gaps; performance gaps (the number of A, B, and C players); open-position gaps (positions waiting to be filled), recruitment gaps (e.g., are we recruiting enough senior and mid-level managers?), among others?
- How many of our mission-critical positions are occupied by executives regarded as top talent?
- Do we know the bench depth for each mission-critical role?
- What jobs make the biggest difference to business performance depending on the caliber of the person occupying them?
- In which roles will a top performer have more impact compared with an average performer?
- Do we have a rigorous and realistic system for evaluating employees? How well has each individual performed? What is his or her potential?
- Do we have a good process for placing the right people in the right jobs? The thorniest issues include how to release people from their current roles where they may be performing like stars, how to match opportunities with a talented manager’s desired location, and how to harmonize compensation for home-based and expatriate leaders. In general, who “owns” the supply of talent and thus makes deployment decisions?
- Do we do a good job of mentoring and coaching?
- How high is employee loyalty as measured by responses to the question, “How likely would you be to recommend your organization as a place to work to a friend or relative?”
- Are our top executives and business units nurturers or consumers of talent?
Authors: Alan Bird, Lori Flees, Paul DiPaola
Source: Kick-start your talent machine
Subject: Leadership Questions
Source: Kick-start your talent machine
Subject: Leadership Questions
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