Customer Service Performance Progress and Opportunities

  • Have we reduced our Total cycle time by at least 50 percent over the past three years?
  • Do 99 percent or more of our orders reach customers on time?
  • Are we shipping zero defect products to our customers?
  • Have we reduced our product development cycle time by at least 50 percent over the past three years?
  • Have we surveyed our customers in the last two years to establish where we rank on customer-defined service factors versus our competitors?
  • Have we provided our customers with new value-added services to enhance our products during the last two years?
  • Have we clearly defined the measurable goals we want to achieve and when we want to achieve them?
  • Are we measuring and improving upon customer-defined service success factors?
  • Do our performance measures appropriately balance customer service into the total business equation?
  • Is top management actively engaged in improving customer service?

Customer Service Improvement: It’s Mission Critical to Your Future
by R. Michael Donovan

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