4 HR Analytics Questions

We have identified four critical areas where organizations can focus their time, energy, and resources to more effectively use analytics to improve workforce productivity and capability.  Answering these questions is critical to demonstrating how the human resource function can add substantially to the strategy and operations of the company.

  1. Based on the organization´s strategy, what is the work that needs to be done, and are the processes, structures, and roles designed to efficiently and effectively accomplish it? This analytic approach shifts the focus of executives away from simply reducing head count and costs to understanding how an organization can become more productive and competitive-knowing where to invest in their organization and workforce and what the benefits of these investments will be.
  2. Is the human capital supply chain filling those roles with people capable of doing the work at the quantity, quality, and cost required of the business model? This question moves the focus of workforce decisions away from the cost of hiring, training, and developing workers to one that addresses how best to meet the demand for labor required to execute the strategy of the company.
  3. Once in place, is the workforce fully engaged and motivated to meet or exceed performance standards? This analytic approach migrates from quick and narrowly defined performance management fixes to ask a broader but basic business question: what do we expect from our workers and what do we need to provide them to meet those expectations?
  4. Finally, since change is ubiquitous, how can we detect the need for change, test innovations and disseminate those throughout the organization? This approach focuses on understanding how organizations and people can share insights and innovations that allow them to be more productive, while reducing the risk of poorly designed or executed change.

Source: Workforce Analytics: Making the Most of a Critical Asset by Eric Lesser and Carl Hoffman | Ivey Business Journal

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