10 Questions Every Board Member Should Ask

Ram Charan and Julie Schlosser recommend the best questions every board member and shareholder should ask to get to the heart of what they should know about a company. Ten disarmingly simple questions. “so simple in fact, that we often forget to – or are embarrassed to – ask them.”

  1. How does the company make money?
  2. Are our customers paying up?
  3. What could really hurt – or kill – the company in the next few years?
  4. How are we doing relative to our competitors?
  5. If the CEO were hit by a bus tomorrow, who could run this company?
  6. How are we going to grow?
  7. Are we living within our means?
  8. How much does the CEO get paid? (Maybe not in an interview!!!)
  9. How does bad news get to the top?
  10. Do I understand the answers to questions 1 through 9?

Source: Ten Questions Every Board Member Should Ask / Ram Charan and Julie Schlosser / Fortune

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