10 Key Areas of Transformation: Questions to Ask

Top performers understand that while a company can pursue outstanding holistic performance, it still must develop its reinvention muscles to respond effectively in times of uncertainty. The opposite is also true: an organization can push to reinvent itself, but if it doesn’t deliver financial results, the transformation won’t be sustainable.

After committing to a transformation, the executive team should ask questions in ten categories about the … [ Read more ]

Questions to Help (Re-)Assess a Company’s Performance

Capital markets

  • What has driven our historic shareholder returns over various time horizons?
  • How does our valuation stack up to peers’ today, and why?
  • What are the highest-impact levers to change our valuation (growth, margin improvement rates, etcetera)?


Are we in the right businesses, geographies, sectors, product lines, and customer segments?

How can we strengthen our competitive advantage in these chosen areas?

What are our highest-potential M&A, partnership, and divestment opportunities?


  • What

… [ Read more ]

Questions New CEOs Should Ask

  1. What are the greatest opportunities we haven’t yet capitalized on? 
  2. What are the greatest threats that could end this storied franchise if not addressed? 
  3. What is the one thing I could do to screw it up?
  4. What do you hope will change? 
  5. What should not change? 
  6. What aren’t people telling me that I need to know? 
  7. What am I not hearing that I should be hearing?