- What should our business model look like in three to five years as the implications of our business strategy play out?
- What balance do we need on the spectrum of centralization vs. a distributed network of business entities? How should we be structured to best support our business strategy: by geography, product, function, customer-or a hybrid arrangement?
- Do we have the right organization design in place to help the workforce perform optimally? Are the right governance and decision-making mechanisms in place? Do we have the right leverage and the right organization structure (the pyramid of different roles and responsibilities) to execute in a cost-effective manner?
- Do we have the right analytics and tools in place to monitor workforce performance and make timely changes?
- Do we have management processes that keep workforce performance continuously aligned with a changing business strategy? Do we understand our informal networks that work side-by-side with formal structures-networks that have a powerful impact on how work gets done?
- Is our HR organization designed to support the workforce in a cost-effective manner? Is HR participating in strategic discussions at a high-enough level in the company?
- Are there any constraints in the HR organization that would impede our ability to get the right capabilities and people into the company, develop them and retain them? Do the right HR processes exist, and is HR effectively integrated into the business?
Source: A New Lens on Business Advantage: Human Capital Strategy and the Drive for High Performance by David Smith, Yaarit Silverstone and Adrian Lajtha | Accenture
Subjects: Management Questions, Organization Questions
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