6 Questions CEOs Need to Ask Their HR Leaders

  1. Which segments of the workforce create the value for which we are most rewarded in the marketplace?
  2. Which areas of our business will be most impacted by impending waves of retirement? What are we doing to prepare successors? What impact will anticipated retirement have on the skills and productivity necessary to meet future demand?
  3. In what areas is the talent market heating up (i.e., demand will outpace supply)? Which segments of our workforce will be most impacted? What are the potential top-line and bottom-line implications?
  4. What skills will we need over the next five years that we don’t currently possess? How will we create that capacity? What happens to our business if we don’t?
  5. What is our turnover within critical areas? How much is it costing us? In customers? In productivity? In innovation? In quality? What are we doing to resolve the root cause?
  6. Are we actively developing talent portfolios or workforce plans that will help us to understand and communicate the financial consequences of talent decisions on our business?

Why Must a Leader Be a Learner?
by William Luckert
LiNE Zine, Fall 2001

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