Marketing Event Planning Questions

The continuum begins with the development of a detailed plan. The plan should answer the following questions: 

  • Who will manage the various aspects of the event?
  • What are its objectives (qualitative and quantitative)?
  • Who is/are the target audience(s)?
  • What is the theme?
  • Which marketing messages do you want the audience(s) to walk away with?
  • In which cities will you hold the event (you will need specific locations before you can get very far into promotion)?
  • Who will the speaker(s) be?
  • How will you promote the event?
  • What tools will you use to generate and capture qualified leads?
  • What on-site personnel will you require at the event?
  • How — in detail — will you follow-through after the event to ensure that it fulfills its objectives?
  • Who will be responsible for the follow-through?
  • How will you track the follow through to ensure it is done?

Successful Marketing Events
by Joel Klebanoff
Klebanoff Associates Inc.

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