Buyer Experience Cycle

A customer’s product experience passes through six basic stages. To help companies assess the quality of a buyer’s total experience, we have identified the key questions for each stage. Individually, these questions may be obvious, but taken together, they uncover the full picture of the experience cycle.

  1. Purchasing
    • How long does it take to find the product you need?
    • Is the place of purchase attractive and accessible?
    • How secure is the transaction environment?
    • How rapidly can you make a purchase?
  2. Delivery
    • How long does it take to get a product delivered?
    • How difficult is it to unpack and install a new product?
  3. Use
    • Does the product require tuning or expert mastering?
    • Is the product easy to store when not in use?
    • How effective are the product’s features and functions?
  4. Supplements
    • Do you need other products and services to make this product work?
    • If yes, how costly are they?
  5. Maintenance
    • Does the product require external maintenance?
    • How easy is it to maintain and update the product?
  6. Disposal
    • Will use of the product create waste items?
    • How easy is it to dispose of the product?

There are six “utility levers” that a company can apply to each of the activities in the cycle:

  1. Customer productivity
  2. Simplicity
  3. Convenience
  4. Risk
  5. Fun and image
  6. Environmental friendliness

How to tell a flyer from a failure
by W. Chan Kim
Financial Times, January 23, 2001

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